Hannover Messe and LogiMAT 2023

ProjectsDelivery Dronepresstrade fair

The last two weeks we were at the Hannover Messe and LogiMAT in Stuttgart.

There we showed our first mobile demonstrator of the drone port. The first live location for this is currently being built in Volkach am Main. At the trade fairs, we are now looking for innovative pilot customers who would like to put the drone port into operation with us and test it intensively over a period of one year. Therefore, please contact us if you are interested, via our contact form.

The drone port is the result of developments from our "Intelligent Drone Mailbox" project funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as part of the BayTP+ programme.

We also showed the new push mechanism for our delivery drone that we developed as part of the mFUND project FlowPro, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport, and had our teaching system QCS with us.

In an interview of the magazine "Logistik express" our general manager Dr. Nils Gageik explains the Droneport demonstrator that was shown on the fairs and the video shows impressions of LogiMAT 2023. You can find the Video here.

Those who did not make it to Hanover or Stuttgart will have another opportunity from 9 - 12 May. We will be at the Transport logistic in Munich. You can find us there in hall A6, stand A6.107.

The Emqopter fair-team at Hannover Messe

Starting into the first day of Hannover Messe 2023

Great interest and exciting discussions

Interview with Dr. Nils Gageik

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy logo
Central Innovation Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises logo
Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure logo